policy & Procedures

The Stay-at-Home directive has exemptions that include access to healthcare services. Massage Therapist are Regulated Healthcare Professionals operating under the Regulated Health Professions Act and Massage Therapy Act. Our healthcare services have not been affected by this mandate and patients can still book appointments with us.

Our high standards of  sanitizing, disinfecting, ambient control, and pre-screening measures will ensure everyone’s safety.  

Before your appointment

  • You will be virtually screened for your risk of COVID-19.
  • Be patient and assess your needs. RMTs will prioritize essential/urgent patients first.
  • Ask your RMT about new public health measures in place.
agenda, appointment calendar, coffee

When you arrive

  • You will be screened for your risk of COVID-19.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Practice physical distancing.
  • Arrive alone, as close to your appointment time as possible.